2016 Syllabus

Grading Policy: 

Grades are a combination of homework/assignments and class participation.  The following is how your final grade will be determined (for group assignments (midterm and final), you are required to include a 5 sentence personal statement about your contribution and your thoughts on how your team performed (in addition to the final product)).

Personal Health Project………20%

Class Participation & Blog………………20%

Reverse Engineering Project…………20%

Final Project/Paper……………40%


Greetings!   There are two design projects + one reverse engineering project for this course.  The two design projects will lead to solution-based prototypes.  An important part of design is being able to communicate your ideas verbally and visually – so throughout this course you will be asked to maintain a journal/blog (blog will be on WordPress) to share your discoveries, insights,  posts, discussions, and point of view.

  • Medical center team project – you will first start with making observations at the medical center (specifically the pediatrics department).  By the midterm or right before Spring Break, you will present your findings and potential projects you are interested in pursuing.  Eventually teams will be formed and your team will develop a design process and solution for the problem you identify.
  • Personal health project – you will be paired up and expected to seek one area of health for your partner.  It is important that you can track data and quantify your findings.  You can use a journal or plus3network.com.  For your personal health project you will work with a partner and practice collaborating, practicing interviews, gaining empathy, and present each other’s work.
    • Recommendations
      • Choose something you can stick with
      • Don’t do something you are already good at
      • Clearly define goals with your partner
  • Reverse engineer project – one of the following medical devices – syringe, thermometer, eyeglasses, or crutches
    • You will write a short report and include the following information –
      • First you must acquire the actual device for this exercise
      • Provide a detailed engineering drawing in SolidWorks (you must use SolidWorks, it is available in the BME Lab and the Design Lab in MR4)
        • Geometry & dimensions in orthographic representations
        • Brief description of materials
      • Summarize in 1/2 a page how the device is regulated with appropriate citations including FDA guidance documents and previously approved or cleared devices.
        • In other words, please spend time on the FDA website.  We can help you with searching the FDA databases for information.
      • Summarize in 1/2 a page one clinical paper citing the use of the device or a device like it
    • The reverse engineering project is due 02/26 and it is highly recommended you start the CAD work as soon as possible!!
      • We are acquiring the physical devices for you to look at, measure, and take images of.
  • Blog your experience!  You must make 5 blog entries (including the first entry) throughout the semester!




  • (01-20) – Design 101 – Introduction to Human Centered Design, designing with empathy
    • Focus on personal health project
    • Blog entry due next class.  wordpress.com invitations have been sent via ideaful.
      • Your first entry should be 3-5  sentences and include – who you are, why you are taking this class, and what you want to get out of it.  Thanks!
  • (01-22) – Design 102 – Journey Maps
    • Focus on personal health project
    • Read pages 9-25 in the IDEO Field Guide (downloadable, see above)
  • (01-27) – Design 103 – Iterating your design & intro to Visualization
    • *NEW* complete a journey map for your PHP & bring it to class
    • *NEW* complete the reading on pages 9-25 in the IDEO Field Guide
    • Focus on personal health project
  • (01-29) – Design 104 – Visualization II
    • Due: Composition assignment
      • 10 8×10 sheets of “sitting in my room”
      • 2 11×14 sheets of “sitting in my room”
  • (02-03) – Making Observations, Need Statements, a little more on journey maps
  • (02-05) Balancing Stakeholders and Disease Fundamentals
  • (02-10) Visualization – Dive into your data and iteration
    • Present data from your PHP
    • KEY DISCUSSION – how is your intervention going?
    • Use a LARGE chart or poster to represent you information (NO POWERPOINT)
    • Remember that your data must support the story you are trying to tell
  • (02-12) Disease Fundamentals
    • Due: Summary of disease area of interest and share with class
    • Find a new project/goal for your PHP
  • (02-17) Developing your need statements
    • Prepare 20 need areas and come to class ready to brainstorm
    • Co-write a blog with your PHP partner.  Summarizing your findings.
  • (02-19 @ 12-2p at LVG) Physical models, ideation, brainstorming
    • Due: 3-5 need statement you are most interested in pursuing
  • (02-24) Developing need statements – what is good and what is bad
    • Due: Biodesign sections 3.1 and 3.2
  • (02-26) Speed dating
    • Bring 3-5 need statements to class
  • (02-28 (Sunday)) Design critique on PHP
    • Due: Data from your PHP and ready to share in a design critique format.  Make sure you bring your journey maps, and visualizations for your data.
    • Will be at OpenGrounds
  • (03-02) Researching your need areas
    • Teams or individuals should present on clinical area of interest, need statement, data gathered, and conceptual sketches
  • (03-04) Clinical Lecture
  • (03-16) Building needs specification and screening
    • Due: Biodesign sections 2.4- 2.5
  • (03-18) Building needs specification and screening
    • Due: Need statements from team (submit 5)
  • (03-23) Clinical background research (review) & intro to building technical specifications – needs & wants
  • (03-25) Technology v. Product
    • Due: Guest speaker & Sample6 Case Study
  • (03-30) Design Challenge!
  • (04-01) Tech Specs and Materials Cont’d
    • Activity: Guest Speaker from SPARK Engineering and Design
    • Submit modified “Need Statement” w/”Must Haves” and “Nice to Haves”
    • Also submit a bibliography with at least 10 citations!
  • (04-06) Adoption of Stents
    • Due: Read “Adoption of Stents” case
    • Answer the following questions –
      • Explain the opportunity and challenge for the stent industry (at the time of the case).
      • Construct a historical quarterly adoption curve for drug eluting stents procedures from the launch in 2003 to 2007
      •  What are the elements that impact adoption for a new medical device or in this case – drug eluting stents.
      • Are all adopters created equally?
  • (04-08)
  • (04-13) Storytelling for design
    • Read: https://dschool.stanford.edu/wp-content/themes/dschool/method-cards/storytelling.pdf and https://library.gv.com/why-good-storytelling-helps-you-design-great-products-148c9bbc7404#.hkef72n0u
  • (04-15) Science to Startup?
  • (04-20) Basics of IP and Patenting
    • Guest speaker – UVA Licensing and Ventures
  • (04-22) Entrepreneurial Perspective on Medical Device Innovation
  • (04-27) Entrepreneurial Perspective on Medical Devices Innovation
  • (04-29)