CAD assignment

CAD Solidworks Tutorials:

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The syringe(s) will be provided for you.  Alternatively you can use the following-

BD 30ml syringe Ref 302832

Assignments should be turned in using a PDF format as an engineering drawing (with measurements) with at least 3 views per part.


Lesson 1

Introduction (before really digging into CAD, it is highly recommend you do an engineering drawing by hand)

-Videos: “SOLIDWORKS for 3D Design”, “SOLIDWORKS Intuitive User Interface”,

“Design Unit Systems and Drafting Standards”

-Tasks Learned:

  1. Draw a 2D profile as a sketch in sketch mode
  2. Finish and save the sketch (and understand when in sketch mode and when not)
  3. Learn how to fully dimension sketch without over-dimensions

-Helpful video using revolve here

-Helpful video on center lines here

3D Part Extrusion, Circle, Boss

-Videos: “Model Views, Orientation, and Displays”, “Creating your first 3D Model”,

“Inserting your first 3D Feature”, “Adding Cylinders with Circle and Boss Feature”

-Tasks Learned:

  1. Extrude/revolve the sketch to make a 3D object
  2. Creation of image with correct dimensions

-Designs Due: 3D cylinders for basic structure of syringe (with correct dimensions of average syringe)


Lesson 2

3D Part Cutting, Fillet

-Videos: “Cutting Holes with the Extrude Cut Tool”, “Rounding Edges with the Fillet Tool”

-Tasks Learned:

  1. Create sketches on other existing surfaces
  2. Cutting away with extrude tool
  3. Rounding edges with fillet tool
  4. Revolving tool

-Designs Due: 3D cylinder of main body of syringe cut away to create hollow cylinder, fillet all edges for design/ production purposes, use revolve tool to create one or more of the parts of the syringe

-Helpful video on fillet –

3D Part Shelling, Editing, Defining a Plane

-Videos: “Hollow Out at Constant Thickness with the Shell Tool”, “Making Changes to a Part”

-Tasks Learned:

  1. Shelling at constant thickness
  2. Define a reference plane on the current object (
    1. Draw a cylinder on a new plane (useful for drawing the tip of the syringe)
  3. Editing part after creation

-Designs Due: Edit last design of cut-away cylinders with Extrusion tool; shell cylinders in syringe design to make hollow (Shell tool); create remaining parts of the syringe using prior knowledge


Lesson 3

-Videos: “Creating your first 3D assembly”, “Techniques to form a 3D assembly”,

“Inserting an exploded view of the windmill rotor model”, “Motor animation and camera fly by tour”

-Tasks Learned:

  1. Creating a 3D animation
  2. Mating of parts
  3. Creating an exploded view of an assembly
  4. Motor animation and possibilities with SOLIDWORKS


-Design Due:  Final assembly in drawing mode, at least three views, label the parts with dimensions, and label the final part.  Print out and submit to David Chen’s mailbox.


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