Author: alex_baker443

Class-1/8/15-Alexander Baker

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Today was all about critique.  We presented our personal health projects and the patient projects. This is necessary because it gives us a good direction of how the project should go and it gives us some very necessary improvements that need to taken taken order to achieve the best results.

Class 1/7/16-Alexander Baker

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Today’s class we split into our groups and wrote down as many need statements as possible. This was necessary because it identified many problems that was had by our patient and therefore upon further inspection will uncover the solution. These problems were then grouped and then solutions  were identified once each overarching problem statement was identified.

Class 1/5/15 AlexanderBaker

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Today, class was rather short yet still pretty productive, we worked alot with the usage of journey mapping. This concept is essentially a tool to discover the true desire of somebody within their specific goal. This was quite important for the personal health project. In order to discover the solution a journey map was needed to discuss the possible points where decisions are made and what can influence those decisions, hence narrowing down possible solutions to my partner’s and my personal problems.

Class 1/6/15-AlexanderBaker

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This class was also rather short. Much of the class was analyzation of the pictures drawn from the previous activity. It was quite interesting to not only see the different perspectives within the drawing whether it was the full room or just an object but it was also interesting to see how each of the students interpreted the directions of the assignment. This activity was completed to show how many ways an assignment or task can be interpreted by the performer, and how it can foster creativity in the many people performing the task.