Author: absuloutezero

Advanced Design Day 9

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With the presentation tomorrow, there was a huge rush to get a lot of work done today. In meeting with the patient we were able to find the best design. Even though we were at fault for focusing on the idea of an app earlier on in the design process, the patient clearly wants it. We tried not the push them into the idea by asking them very basic questions on what platforms and user interfaces they would prefer. However their natural tendencies made it so that a computer app, linked with a website or desktop app, would be the best platform. Beyond that we were able to discern specific design characteristics that the patient naturally preferred, which was a balance between a clean, simple, efficient UI, and something that was fun, and excited the patient to use. This meant choosing simple, cool colors, clean cut borders, and not populating the interface with too many parts. However, to make it more engaging we included an avatar that would advise the patient in certain matters. This would also provide the patient with a certain level of entertainment, as by maintaining good habits or any positive tasks the avatar can offer rewards, such as unlocking new skins. This is a very simple way to make the app more engaging, while keeping it relevant. The day was spent creating designs for the app, and putting together our presentation.

-Ahnaf H.

Advanced Design Day 8

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Some data has come in from the patient today who has been using the prototype. However, it is not enough, and we are doubtful we will be able to connect enough before the presentation date. Therefore we are shifting our focus to creating a great user interface. We started out by brainstorming and trying to understand what we’re trying to accomplish by it’s very core. Questions like “What are modes of recording?” were the first we asked, in order to make sure we weren’t assuming too much without thinking about all our options. After this we split amongst ourselves to create some prototypes of designs, trying to follow Fitt’s law as best we could, as well as other design tips. We met back up together at night and shared ideas, fleshing them out a bit more, and then went on creating as many designs as possible. We plan to show them to the patient and try to get an understand of what the patient likes best. Before that point, however, we don’t want to stifle our creativity, and are coming up with as many ideas as possible.

-Ahnaf H.

Advanced Design Day 7

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Today in class we received a bit of guidance from our instructors. Once again we became too obsessed with the final product and got too obsessed with making an app. In doing so we lost valuable time that could have been used testing a functioning prototype. We switched gears and created a Google Form which would function similarly to the app, and gave that to the patient in order to collect the data. The initial response from the patient seems positive, and in the mean time there is work to be done on the write up. In the coming days we need to focus on collecting more data, analyzing it, and creating a presentable project. The other projects I am working on are also increasing in intensity, since I have to go to the gym no or else I lose money, and I have to work on my CAD design. This makes it harder to work on each, but thus is the struggle.

-Ahnaf H.

Advanced Design Day 6

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After talking with our patient yesterday we had some clarity on the situation regarding their experience with their pharmacy. Specifically that the patient never received calls from the pharmacy, and that there were other problems that were not shortage related. The example given was of a time were the patient could not receive what was prescribed to them, because it had run out before the prescription allowed for renewal. Because of our previous enlightenment on the pharmaceutical side of the problem, we decided to try solution that was more focused on the patient. This also encompassed a greater problem that the patient has, which is a lack of a clear record on the food they eat, insulin they take, glucose levels they measure, and the prescriptions they are given. The patient desired a greater understanding about all these portions of her life, and wanted to be able to see the data over time. Therefore we decided that we would attempt to make them a device that would be able to do that. For now our prototype is simply an app on their phone, just to test the basic algorithms and programming within the week.

-Ahnaf H.

Advanced Design Day 5

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Today was the day for the midterm review. There was quite a rush yesterday in order to come up with something presentable, and though we were able to do so there were a few problems, and pointed out by the reviewers. In short, we we’re too solution driven. This meant that we overlooked some crucial aspects of the problem we wanted to address. In order to fix this we talked to some people who were knowledgeable about the pharmaceutical industry, specifically out patient care. They were part of the same pharmacy which our patient had troubles with. In doing so we realized that the pharmacy had measures in place to inform patients about drug shortages, similar to what our patient had experienced. Also we found that our idea to work with the pharmacies in creating new measures would not be feasible, since they had no need for new measures. Therefore we were in a position were we needed to reevaluate our need statement, and meet with our patient once again.

-Ahnaf H.

Advanced Design Day 1

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This is the first day of the design process. The project has begun as they all have, in creating an understanding of the situation. This means understanding the patient, and understanding their problem. We began by interviewing them and gaining a glimpse of their life through their words. From there we seek to understand the premise of the issues we seek to answers too, their disease. The patient suffers from adult onset type 1 diabetes, and there is a lot to be understood about this disease. In order to fully understand the patient’s situation, we must understand this disease, so therefore the bulk of our time is dedicated towards research on it. This means sifting through a lot of literature, and I have focused on understanding the premise of Type 1 diabetes, then narrowing my research to adult onset.

-Ahnaf H.