Reflection on videos and the semester over all:

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Today marked the completion of BME Design and Innovation in Medicine with each design team sharing a short video that conveyed their device, its purpose, and the journey they took in order to produce it. This experience proved to be valuable in a few ways. On one level, it was so interesting to finally see what all my classmates had been working on all semester. I was really impressed by all my classmates, with their gloves powered by automatic motors, mocked up app interfaces, and more. Simultaneously, I also loved seeing how my classmates approached the video process. Although I was initially very intimidated by the video project, in ended up being a great opportunity to explore an entirely new way of conveying information. It gave me a chance to get familiar with iMovie and was also examine my own presentation skills on camera, which although sometimes unpleasant, was definitely a valuable exercise in self-awareness.

The videos my peers presented were unanimously impressive. Many deftly employed the time lapsed white board technique we learned about in class. After hearing comments from our reviewers, it seems as though this technique maybe the clearest and most aesthetic way to present the complex narrative of the design process. It’s also extremely easy to implement and requires no one’s face to be on camera. I imagine this is knowledge I will definitely utilize in the future.

The applicable knowledge, in my experience, has been the one constant theme running through the diverse concepts explored in this class. We touched on everything from architecture to story telling, to personal health, to breaking into the field of professional design. Our lessons were very wide in scope, but I think there will be at least one thing from every class that will prove to be valuable in the future. Over all I am so glad I took this class and can’t wait to explore design thinking more in the future.

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