Jay Hanckel Round 5: A Silence of Three Parts

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(Side note: my title is a reference to the prologue and epilogues of The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss, Book 1 of the Kingkiller Chronicles. If you want a book series that is on par with Lord of the Rings, read the Kingkiller Chronicles and feel the torture of waiting for book three)

It’s over. We’re done; we’re finished; we’re through.

The video presentations went rather well. Considering how much time we had to work on them, on top of the fact that hardly any of us really knew how to do video editing, the projects were entertaining and clearly well researched. I am a little envious of a couple of groups projects since they got so far, such as the RA group. I was also thoroughly impressed with the breadth of projects that we got to see, and how creative people got with the solutions with roughly three weeks to prepare everything. I’m incredibly proud of my group and the amount of thought and research we put into our project.

Looking back on any class, I always wonder if the ends justified the means or vice versa. I would say, for this class, the ends did not justify the means, but the means justified the ends. In other words, this class emphasized the process rather than the result, which was especially noticeable when my results usually did not turn out well whether it was the PHP or the final project. Shadowing and interviewing doctors and patients was an incredible experience, one that I didn’t think I would be able to do for a class. I wouldn’t necessarily say I have more tools to solve problems than I had before (Intro to Rehab Engineering did that already), but it certainly gave me more confidence in going out and taking that initiative to get the job done.

Now, I’m going to slip into a coma for a while.

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