Video Recap

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For this blog post, I want to focus on the videos that were presented for our final project and the thoughts that I had about these. Overall, I thought that the videos were a very useful tool in presenting our journey throughout this semester with all of the different iterations and steps that were taken. I think that it allowed us to be more creative than a typical PowerPoint presentation. Additionally, coupled with the vague video rubric, it allowed for a large amount of variance in the approaches that were taken by different groups. In terms of my own group’s performance, I thought we did well and were really able to convey our story from the semester. Looking back, I think that a recorded interview from Dr. Lunsford definitely would have strengthened his quote rather than just the typed out quote. I also would have liked to have a more representative video of our prototype being used. I think this would have given the viewer a better representation of the device and its exact functions. For the cad portion of the video, I thought that we did a good job keeping the viewer engaged. I was initially worried about losing the viewer’s attention as the description went on, but by adding in some moving text as the voice over continued, I think the viewer was able to follow along with what we were saying and stay engaged. Some of the other videos also had some components that I liked a lot. One group had several videos playing at once as they described a list of things, I thought this was a good approach to this as the viewer could very easily follow along as it provided a very good visual. Personally, I think that I benefitted greatly from this experience. I have always wanted to learn how to use iMovie, and this project forced me to teach myself this software and the many different tricks that accompany it. Something that I really took away from this was the importance of the small details. Just by adding in some subtle details, I think the quality of our video was greatly improved. The background music that we played was useful in providing some ambient noise so it was not just a voice over the entire time. Also, just adding in small transitions between the videos makes a large difference. These make the video progress smoother and add to the overall quality. In conclusion, I think that this project was very beneficial and was a novel approach to presenting that amount of information that comes out of a semester long project.

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