Feedback on the semester

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Things I think should be continued

I think the video presentations were a big success. It was both entertaining and informative to watch. As Maddie commented in class, I was really able to enjoy everyone else’s presentations because I was not preoccupied with worry for my own. I would definitely recommend continuing this assignment in the future.

Presentations as our midterm was really effective. The feedback from our guest judges was insightful for the work we had done and more importantly for future things we do. Data visualization and presentation is a really practical skill set that I think we will all benefit from.

Things I think could be adjusted

Journey mapping marathon. To be quiet honest I think this assignment was stretched out to be way longer than it needed to be for the PHP. Perhaps we could have taken a different approach in learning it because it is a useful tool.

Things I wish we got to do

Data visualization workshops and/or activities.


This class really different from any other ones I have taken in the BME department. As a non pre-med BME, I felt pretty limited in our department by the lack of classes that are not heavily oriented towards medical school. Taking this class reminded me how broad and applicable BME is, and I only wish this sort of thinking continues to grow in our department.


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