Final Thoughts

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I was really impressed by the videos in this class. I honestly did not expect the videos to be as successful as they were- I certainly underestimated the capabilities of my classmates to be as creative and artistic as they were. However I am still not pleased with my own work. I wish I had more time to learn about video media and perfect it for this class, as there were so many things I wished I could have accomplished. I had grand ideas of beautiful panned shots, pristine audio, animations, videos within videos, and didn’t know how to do any of them. Thankfully, Leah has a Mac computer, and iMovie was a user-friendly enough interface that we were able to accomplish the voiceover and video cutting and editing.

I really liked the media used. While there was a lot more preparation and time put into this medium as opposed to a PowerPoint, I truly think it was a worthwhile experience.

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