Viewing Party

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First off, I really likes that we did videos instead of a presentation.  It gave us significantly more creative licence which is important in design thinking, and allowed us to convey significantly more information in the form of visuals as well as words.

It was fun to see how we each focused on different things and used different styles in our videos.  My group focused a lot on our iterative process and the prototypes that we produced.  Others focused more on their observation process and development of their idea.  Both are very important parts of the design process.  I also wanted to comment that I thought Kelly/Alex/Casey’s presentation was very well strung together and every second of the video flowed into the next very well, capturing our attention and telling a great human-centered design story.

I did not realize how short 6 minutes was in terms of footage, and I do wish that we had been able to cover more.  We did not really get to talk about other ideas we had for our design because we were stretched almost to time just cramming in information about the prototypes that we actually made.  I thought that our pneumatic idea (as Professor Somers brought up) was the best because it would not interfere with activities or be as likely to catch on things during sleep/bathroom trips, but we did not think it would be possible to prototype something for it as quickly as it would be with simple string.  Using magnetism or electricity would have been awesome, but we ended up deciding it was not a good idea because then it would limit use of electronics equipment while in the glove and could have other consequences.   We did not talk all that much about morning stiffness and looking back maybe we should have forgone some information about the patient population to describe the problem we were solving in greater depth.

In the end I am coming away with some video editing skills, which is a really cool tangible skill from such a conceptual, process-oriented class, and another good reason for the video projects.  As a student very interested in design, having this video in my portfolio will be very helpful as well.

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