Video Review

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During our final class meeting of the semester, I watched the videos each design group created to portray their design process and final design. The projects covered a wide range and I thought each need and solution were very unique! It was interesting to see how each group approached the medical design project and how the different group dynamics led to a product that no other group would have thought of. Although the video final assignment was open-ended, I hadn’t expected the videos to vary by as much as they did. It was obvious that some groups had more video editing experience than others, but I don’t think that the lack of experience took away from any of the group’s videos at all. Through the videos it was clear what each group emphasized in their process and that each group put a lot of time into developing their product over the course of this semester. The video offered a lot of pros such as allowing us to condense much more information into 4-6 minutes than an in-person presentation would have done, allowed us to film at different locations important to our project, and allowed groups to show interviews of doctors that they most likely would not have been able to show/conduct on the day of the presentation. As a presenter, I really enjoyed the video presentations because I did not feel as much pressure as I would have in a typical in-person presentation. However, even with all these positives, there were some negatives. It may be due to lack of video editing skills or some other factor, but to me it seems much easier to get through one’s energy and excitement to the audience in an in-person interview. In addition, I wish that it had been possible to see (and possibly hold) everyone’s prototypes as well as hold demonstrations in real life.

This was a great class! I particularly liked how this class was not a typical lecture-style course. I enjoyed all of the clinical experiences, guest speakers, and interactive activities that allowed me to get to know and work with my classmates 🙂

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