Video Presentation Reflections

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It was really interesting to see all the different videos today. I was surprised about how they were of different styles, yet they were all able to capture their stories. However, while watching the videos, I was still able to see how different video formats were better able to capture certain aspects of the stories. Interviews seemed more suited for narrative and illustrating feedback given on prototypes, while use of the whiteboard seemed more suited for illustrating thought processes and design decisions, and an overhead video seemed better suited for showing the final prototypes. I felt that due to this, and the inability to combine all types of video formats, different groups clearly had different strengths. For example, combining interviews and whiteboard drawings may not be as effective due to the switch between two drastically different video formats. The transitions become somewhat awkward between such different formats. I feel that outlining the design process was integral to these videos, as they were meant to tell a story about the process. Videos that did not spend a lot of time detailing their troubles and revelations throughout their process, I thought were not as effective in achieving this goal. However, I did find these videos just as enjoyable.

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