The Simulation Room (Review of Project)

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Thoughts on the video project:

I definitely enjoyed the format of our final project. However, I did not realize that making a 5 minute video would take so long! I felt like our project was too complicated to explain in 5 minutes. This time constraint made me question which aspects of our design were absolute necessities. I know that this video was not meant to be a pitch, but I saw this project as a stepping stone to the video that could eventually be used to explain to investors our design.

The coolest part of our project was being to able to film in the simulation room. Usually, the simulation room is used as a space for medical students to practice and to have their technique scrutinized. The simulation room is equipped with 5 cameras and two omnidirectional microphones. The room can be rearranged to mimic most hospital settings such as the NICU. It was the perfect room to test my team’s device which required the proportions of a hospital room. If any future students are reading this I suggest inquiring about the simulation room.

Feedback was also crucial in the success of our project. It was interesting to listen to the critiques from the nursing staff and doctors. No one outright objected to our idea, but some nurses were less open to our design. It was funny because older nurses were the ones who were less open. The inventors of Accuro talked about how you had to discern which doctors were just stuck in their ways when judging the general opinion of your device.

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