The Final Design- Sharing Journeys Via Video

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When I first heard that we had to make a video for the final presentation I was a little worried since it takes a lot of time to plan and film, and even more time to edit, but I was also kind of relieved since that meant no pressure on presentation day. After completing the video and getting to watch everyone else’s video today, it was clear that all of the work put into these videos was well worth it. We were able to share so much of our stories and in a much more effective way than if we’d used a more traditional presentation style for our final project. It’s kind of amazing how this choice of media allowed us to show half a semester’s worth of work in just 5 minutes, and really get creative with it, showing drawings and arrows and explaining each step in our deign process and each iteration of our prototypes.

What fascinated me about making the video, as well as watching the videos today, is how much of a design process this was in itself. Similarly to many other projects in the course, it was only fitting that the instructions for the video were vague– to explain your process/story. These vague directions gave us the freedom to, for one last time in the course, design. It was interesting to me to see how different the video styles were across the groups. While there were some similarities in showing interviews, sped up prototyping, video clips, or white board drawings, it was fascinating how each group incorporated these techniques into and designed their video in a unique way that best shared their story. While making these creative decisions about how to present our story was another design challenge, it really made us reflect on all the work we’d done throughout the semester to get us to the point we are today, and think about how each piece of our story connected. I think the video project was an extremely effective way of sharing as much of our stories as possible, and I’m excited that next year’s class will get some formal training in this area and get to experience this reflective final design process in the course.


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