Reflections of Class Final

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Today was the first time I saw everyone else’s video finals and WOW was it interesting. Pondering over it now, I am happy we did video finals rather than presentations because trying to pack as many visuals and information into a Powerpoint would get tricky quickly. I always enjoy hearing the comments of reviewers because they pick up on details that I naturally do not think about. One reviewer mentioned how voice overs and straight dialog compare and contrast for effectiveness. In my team’s video I do a lot of dialog with the camera but in retrospect I think more text or props might have helped convey our design story more. relay a stronger message about our design. A unique video feature that I was really impressed by was Team 6’s live demonstration in one of the hospital rooms. I was surprised to see that teams used video footage from Youtube, too. It is oftentimes frustrating to receive a project without a rubric but it is interesting to see the different interpretations and innovations made by groups when forced into creative spaces. I had the biggest reaction to the live demonstration of Group 6’s prototype and team usage of white boards to draw pictures. Although I like the professional look of myself performing monologues on film, I think if we had a chance to edit our group would incorporate more text and freeze frames with voiceovers.

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