Putting it all together

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Making the video went way better than I was expecting. None of us had any previous experience with video editing, so I was a bit worried how that would go. But after a long day in Clem yesterday, we put it all together and I’m pretty happy with the result. I think the reason why it wasn’t so bad was because of how we organized it and took the time to come up with a good storyboard. We came up with a clear outline and planned out the whole script which really acted like a timeline of our entire design process. We had a complete shift in focus part way through our project and it was essential that we find a way to explain how our need statements evolved. This part wasn’t as easy as we had thought because we realized that doctors are even busier than college students. We had hoped to have interviews with the doctor and physical therapist we had worked with throughout the project, but neither of them could fit this in their schedules. Luckily, Dr. Lunsford was at least able to send us some typed out answers to a couple questions, which we could include as quotes in our video. We were really grateful to have this, since actual quotes and feedback from doctors are one of the best ways to validate our idea as something that could be useful in a hospital. We also found it difficult to fit our work from the past month into just 5 minutes. There’s so much more behind every story, but this was also a learning process that made us pick out only the most important details. So even with the lack of video editing experience and the obstacles in our plan, I think the video worked out great to show our whole design process and hopefully the class enjoys learning about the WalkBox!

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