post 4 – video production thoughts (post-presentation)

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There were a couple things I found really cool about everyone’s videos during class today. I definitely agree with (I can’t remember who said this..) the comment that each group’s artistic leanings, personalities, and creativity were seen in the videos.

Overall Reviews / Things I liked per group’s video and/or solution:

  1. (Leah, Brooke, Debbie) -> First of all, I think the use of common items in their solution was incredible. Using a bendy straw to solve their need – what??? That’s incredible. Extremely smart. And they didn’t set out to reinvent the wheel. I’m way more impressed with their ability to adapt common technology for their own purposes.
  2. (Alex, Casey, Kelly) -> Alex killed the narration in this one. The video itself was well done, and I thought the use of the whiteboard was done in a way that didn’t seem cheesy or over the top. I think the device that they ended up going after was incredibly ambitious and definitely not able to be even closely accomplished within these last couple weeks. However, with the limited time available, I think they did a really good job showing just a single function of their hoped-for design, which was inflation.
  3. (Trey, Albert, Tom) -> Video was a perfect mix of information, comfort, and humor. Even when yall were just telling me ‘dry cereal’ information, it still was incredible captivating. Yalls prototype was also dope.
  4. (Katherine, Jay, Roo) -> Use of outside graphics was definitely good, since alot of your pathophys. in the beginning was a little complicated. I really liked yalls focus on compliance and social factors. I think yall can really go far on this one!
  5. (Sanaa, Nick, Maddie) -> n/a lol
  6. (David, Emmelyn, Luma) -> Great job in reaching out and grabbing that room for your video! I thought it added alot to it, rather than just saying how it would happen. Showing it was crucial. I liked yalls implementation of bluetooth as well! That was something that I think the rest of us were not as daring to tackle.
  7. (Emily, Megan, Reilly) -> I like the ‘newscaster’ frame yall used with Megan. Device-wise, if yall can make this work – I think it would be pretty revolutionary.

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