Final Movie Thoughts

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Overall I was pretty skeptical about making a movie instead of doing a final presentation. My group and I essentially no movie making/editing skills  so we were worried we would not be about to relay our project in the way we wanted. Additionally having no syllabus/rules on what was to be included in the video was also kinda daunting. However we when actually got down to creating our storyboard we found that this lack of rules allowed us to get pretty creative with filming and how we presented our information.

Our movie was broken down into several parts: a brief introduction of what RA is, statistics on RA, needs and wants, clinical interview getting approval of our idea, iterations of our prototype and the flaws with each,  our most recent prototype in action listing its advantages, and then finally what we wanted to improve on our design. Overall we found that the writing facts or statements on a whiteboard with a voice over was the most effective way to relay information.

There were definitely some struggles with making the movie. First of all ensuring we had good audio for the clips was sometimes difficult. I definitely think getting a small mike for each person would greatly improve this problem. Another issue we didn’t really foresee was the amount of time it took to edit the video. Editing took an enormous amount of time to get everything lined up with the voice-overs and to have everything perfectly in sync. Having no prior movie editing skills contributed to why it took so long. Perhaps some more debrief or one/two classes on editing would helpful. Finally publishing once you finished also took awhile which we didn’t expect, lucky for us though we weren’t close to the due time.

In the end, I did  like presenting our project in this form. It really allowed us to get everything just right and allowed us to put so much more information in that we never would have accomplished in a presentation. It also was really nice not having the pressure of presenting on our shoulders on the day of the final.  Additionally I now have something that I could possible show future clinicians or professors should I chose to go further with our prototype. Finally I  really liked watching other groups’ videos as well because everyone had slightly different efficient  approaches to presenting which not only made things more interesting to watch but also showed me some techniques I can definitely use in the future.  Overall I was pretty impressed with everyone’s videos. The projects were all interesting and you could really tell people also put in a lot of time as well in order to get to this final stages.

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