The Making of a Movie

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When David first mentioned that we were going to be making a movie for our final project, my original thought was “well, how hard could it be”… very hard. It did not occur to me until after we began working on the project for a couple weeks, how much work goes into the making of any kind of movie. I figured that we would get a general idea of what we would be filming and just “wing it”, again dead wrong. We ended up spending more time working on our story board that we did actually filming. Emily, having plenty of experience on the matter, was adamant that we be thorough on our story board despite my more laid back approach on the matter. Emily could not have been more right. The further into filming we got, the more apparent it became that filming had to be meticulously planned and that the “winging it” stately would have extended the filming process significantly. Had we simply shot the film as we went then we would have needed to meet on multiple different occasions and shot the movie scene by scene as opposed to doing almost all of the filing in one sitting and putting it together later. This is not to say that the relaxed strategy would not have worked, it just would have taken significantly longer. If it were not for Emily, our group would still be stressing out over filming rather than focusing on the details of our project and editing.

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