Jay Hanckel- Round 4: The Eye of the Storm

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Well I’m smack dab in the middle of putting together the final video with Katherine and Andrew. I’ve done presentations and projects like this before (see BME 2000 and Intro to Rehab), and I’m still uncomfortable with presenting an incomplete device. We have the code, the schematics, knowledge that the device would work, a 3D rendering of what our full blown device would look like, etc. Our video even looks good, which is pleasantly surprising since none of us have video editing experience. If only we had more time to actually make the device and actually test it with patients.

That’s always been a gripe I’ve had with design based classes. Granted, they are my favorite kind of classes because I can FINALLY work with my hands like I’m an engineering major or something. However, as important as information gathering and needs statements are, I mostly want to get Capstone started so I can have a full year to see a project through to the end. In the meantime, I’m going back to the whiteboard. Literally. You’ll see in the video.

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