Invent a Device for the Need

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In the midst of the final project, my team has made the mistake a couple of time of coming up with design and then having to invent the need. We would brainstorm a really cool device and if it didn’t fit our original need we would try and find a need this device can address. We were unable to find any actual needs for these spontaneous device ideas. This showed my group that the design process is not bidirectional. You cannot invent a need for the device. In fact, I would argue that identifying the need is more important than coming up with a really “cool” device.

One personal problem that I have noticed when designing solutions is my need for practical designs. A practical solution is always more appealing to me than an abstract solution. I lean towards designs that I could prototype as an undergrad with my limited amount of information. I realized that my practical mindset was narrowing my design options, and I have tried to consider more intricate solutions because some needs are more complicated than others.


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