Decisions Made

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For as long as I can remember I’ve wanted to be a doctor– well that’s the first dream job I can remember that was realistic (the very first dream job I remember having was as an actress actually, which probably surprises you, and even surprises me, as I’m often pretty quiet). Studying biomedical engineering, however, kinda tugged at the stability of my dream of being a doctor. During the past 2 years, every so often I would wonder if I actually wanted to have a job in the BME field instead, maybe even on a design team or as some kind of consultant. Through my time in BME and especially in Advanced Design, I’ve really learned to appreciate the design process, and the small intricacies and subtle details that go into design. Because I’ve developed a strong understanding of the design process through this course, hearing the guest speakers talk about their work in design and consulting has made me really admire what these people are doing, however it’s also made me realize that it’s not really something I would want to do as a career. I think that the nitty-gritty business and marketing side (which you really have to consider heavily when you’re participating in product design and development in the real world), may be largely responsible for this . I feel that I would get frustrated working on projects for so long and dealing with all the business and policies and patents, it’s just a lot. Hearing about these guest speakers’ experiences has been extremely interesting, but also very beneficial for me personally, as they have helped me realize that med school really is the direction I want to be headed after graduating from undergrad, and I feel even more confident about that now than ever.

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