PHP Reflections (Megan and Leah)

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Leah expressed that she learned a lot about her sleeping patterns. She generally calculates how much sleep she gets a night the day after but seeing the collected data over a larger span of time made her realize how much sleep she sacrifices during the week. I believe she enjoyed seeing her resting heart rate tracked over time, too. She noticed her heart rate was lower when she slept more, whereas I noticed that her heart rate was lower when she exercised (did a Zen by 10). It was interesting that I was more focused on an exercise connection and she noticed sleep connections. The bucketlist I made for Leah helped her realize how she needs to schedule in fun activities, rather than do them on a whim. I think I exceeded her expectations with some of my suggestions of events around grounds such as a wine and design class, attending Final Fridays at the Fralin, and painting a section of Beta Bridge with her roommates. Leah realized that she has to pre-schedule fun events when she tried going to a pure barre class with a February promo code I gave her and wasn’t able to go the week she planned because when she looked on Friday all the weekend classes were booked. It was interesting to see that completely one bucketlist a week was actually a difficult task rather than an easy one as I had originally planned.

Overall, Leah expressed excitement for her bucketlists and sorrow about the project being cut short. Moving forward, we plan to now track her daily water and caffeine intake, track completion of exercise rather than completion of “Zen by 10”, and continue logging sleep and resting heart rate.

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