Jay- Round 2: College is not healthy

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We finished our first Personal Health Plans (PHPs) today, which means that we get to do this all over again on a completely different area of healthy lifestyles we want to improve… swell. I think I’m a terrible partner in some ways; not because I don’t provide information or anything, but because a lot of unhealthy habits I have are not by choice but by the result of necessary work and travel hours. This applies to a lot of people in the class too, especially when we are all obviously doing similar workloads this semester.

Actually, I find this a good lesson in empathy and sympathy. It’s pretty easy to tell someone to shut up and do something because it’s good for them and you know best and blah blah blah. It’s another thing when you fully understand the stress that your “patient” has to deal with on a monthly, weekly, daily… hell, even hourly basis, and then tell them that they need to do it to make their lives easier. The question then becomes what is the bare necessities to make their lifestyle functional but their’s.


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