Maddie’s First Post

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Hello all! My name is Maddie Morris and I’m a BME, hopefully also minoring in English. At UVa, I volunteer with GEMS at Jack Jouett middle school and I’m on the engineering student council health and wellness committee. I also just started interning for a company called Open BioLabs, started by a UVa grad.

Right now I’ll admit that I’m not entirely sure what I want to do with my life, although I’m sure thats true for others in this class as well. Obviously, I’ve always enjoyed math and science oriented subjects, but I’ve also had a life long personal interest in art and aesthetics in general. I’m hoping that through advanced design I will be able to form a link between these two ways of thinking. A link that hopefully will help me better identify the career I’d like to seek out after graduation.

Those goals might seem a little lofty, haha. Still, I think that no matter what, this semester is going to be a very valuable experience, and I’m excited to see whats in store for all of us!

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