First Post

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Hello Everybody,

Happy Snow Day! My name is Albert Schibani and I am a Third-Year BME from Northern Virginia, and more specifically Annandale, VA. I am also your BMES Third-Year Representative, so please contact me about the organization – questions, concerns, or suggestions are always welcome. I would like to organize IM teams through BMES this semester based on overall interest, so stay tuned for updates.

I am excited for this class and I am looking forward to the combination of clinical shadowing and innovative product design that I have the opportunity to experience. I intend to go into industry upon graduation and would like to enter the field of medical device design. I see this class as the perfect chance to build a portfolio of product designs as well as learn new techniques and enhance the skills I obtained in Design & Discovery. In addition, I wanted to gain experience with SOLIDWORKS, the industry standard in CAD, so that I could become more marketable as a biomedical engineer. A patented design would be really cool and the optimum outcome of this course, but personally I would be content with getting a lead, or at least some ideas, for my Capstone Project. I look forward to working with you all.


Albert Schibani



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