Jay- Round 1

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Name: Jay Hanckel

Age, year: 21, 3rd year

Major: …. you get one guess

Hometown: Charlotte, NC; moved to Norfolk, VA about a year or two ago

Clubs/Activities: Navy ROTC, Tae Kwon Do, Breakdancing

From the class: I want to develop my understanding of prosthetics and rehabilitation treatments/devices in order to help anyone I can to feel like they belong in any society. I want to help people get back to 100% or better than where they were before, physically.

Why I’m here: I believe that the disabled and permanently injured can be repaired, if desired. In my studies, I want to figure out how to get man and machine to work together to make someone feel whole again, or even better than before. I think human augmentation is a wonderful goal and should be achieved, so long as it is done ethically and safely.

Fun Fact: In my high school career, I’ve had 6 concussions; throughout that time, my grades improved as I gained more concussions.

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