Wrapping Up

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Final presentations are all done and everything went swimmingly.  Our patient group got surprisingly close over the last couple of weeks, and everyone was great to work with.  While I enjoyed getting so immersed in the design process while taking this class, I think my main takeaway regarding the process is the importance of empathy.  Stepping into someone else’s shoes and really understanding their whole perspective is a major key to being able to build a solution to their needs.  It’s not simply about fixing a problem.  Ensuring that a user can comfortably adopt the solution provided is much more important to the solution’s success.

I don’t know what I would change about this class.  The blogs are a good idea.  I think the workload was just about the right amount.  I understand that it is a J term, so the workload is bound to be heavy.  Any more work than we had probably would have been too much.  However, the projects were fair and covered a lot of material that was extremely useful to learn.  I’m a little disappointed that I didn’t get to hear some of the lectures covered over the semester-long version of the class, but ya can’t win ’em all. David and Dr. Allen, thanks for a very fulfilling two weeks!

-Ahnaf C.

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