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Final Thoughts

Overall, I thought this class was a wonderful experience. I believe the most important piece in making this class so enjoyable was the fact that we were given substantial freedom on what we were to work on. I don’t think I have ever worked so hard in such a concentrated period of time on a project I was so passionate about.

During the class, I was a bit annoyed with other projects that I felt were taking time from the main patient project. However, looking back, I recognize that just because I wasn’t as interested in some of the other projects doesn’t mean I didn’t benefit from them. This is especially true for the reverse engineering project. As someone who had never worked in Solidworks, there was a horribly steep learning curve and the experience was often frustrating. But now I feel much better equipped to take on projects with this new skill in my pocket.

I will write more later, as of right now I am trying to finish everything by the 5 o’clock deadline.


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