(Mini) Semester in Review

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For the most part, I really enjoyed this class.  It was a lot of work for all 3 of the projects, but all of the work was different and meaningful in its own way.  The patient project was awesome because we got to work with a real person and get their feedback on an actual product that we were designing.  It made me feel like a real-life product designer, which made all of the research and designing and data analysis so much more enjoyable than if it were a hypothetical problem set.  For the personal health project, it was really insightful to see how designing a simple program for somebody might not be as easy as you would think, because the person has to actually follow your recommendations.  Although the DesignWorks project was frustrating at first because I had almost no CAD experience, I got the hang of it fairly quickly and began to enjoy making the drawings.  Overall, I would definitely recommend this course to a friend.

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