Final Review

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We had a hard time yesterday coming up with the most effective way to make the visualizations for our project. We originally wanted to make a powerpoint because we weren’t sure that we would be able to print the graphs large enough to be seen for proper presentation. However, I definitely felt more comfortable during the presentation without a powerpoint because I feel like I was able to more easily engage with the visuals and with the audience. I was really impressed with how the first group integrated powerpoint into their poster style presentation to show the images in a larger view for everyone to see. This was something that I would have never considered. Additionally, the group did a phenomenal job outlining the full detail of their decision making in each step of the process which is something I feel we could have improved on in our presentation. While we did articulate our process and demonstrate the decisions that went into our algorithm, our presentation could’ve benefited from a more detailed diagram and explanation of the decision making that led us to our original idea and prototype.

For my personal health project, I made a bar graph indicating caloric intake and did not even think about adding any other factors into the graph to show a more holistic depiction of the information. I compared the data with my partner’s exercise schedule to look for any correlation in the data and did not even consider adding that information into the graph until it was suggested afterwards. It was very interesting to see other peoples’ approaches in choosing visual aids for their presentations. I found this method of presentation much more engaging both while presenting myself and while listening to my classmates’ presentations. It was helpful to see the information laid out in front of us all at once to be able to see more of a story and to be able to follow more closely what was being discussed during the presentations.


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