Final Day and Presentations

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It’s all over! Today we finally presented our patient projects and personal health projects (PHP). A lot of time and hard work went into these things and while I am relieved that it’s all over, I am definitely saddened by the fact that I most likely will no longer be working with my wonderful group for the patient project and partner for the PHP. I thought the presentations went great. The judges brought up some very valid points about we could’ve made more clear in our presentation, such as the design process. It was stated in a much more eloquent way and I will definitely be taking their advice into future presentations as I believe it is universally applicable.

For the personal health project, I was able to articulate my thoughts in a much clearer way in comparison to my presentation last Friday and I think it went well. I believe it was because of how I managed to actually take the time to talk to my health partner about her goals and problems, when before, I was lacking empathy, which was to the detriment to my partner and myself.

As I take the time to reflect on the past 12 days, I can definitively say that this is one of the reasons why I love UVA. The class was a very unique experience and while it did feature more work than I thought, it was definitely worthwhile as I learned a lot and experienced parts of UVA I never would have if it wasn’t for this class. I was initially hesitant to give up parts of my winter break to take a J-term, but overall, I have no regrets.

-Albert Chang

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