Day 10

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We had our final review today of both the patient project and the personal health project. It was very cool to see the different ways that each group presented their ideas for the patient project. Something that my group discovered during out presentation planning was that we could not figure out how to display our design process. Since our presentation needed to be visually based, we focused on thought maps and images. One of the group’s presentation stuck out to me particularly because they did an awesome job of showcasing their design process as a tree with a clear path from start to finish. They also included their decision making along with the aspects they chose not to pursue, which they explained in their presentation. I think this made it very clear what the thinking throughout their project was and encompassed all of the work and research that went into the project. Moving forward with my design projects, I want to use the different perspectives I saw today along with the panel’s feedback to help me with visualization and to overall build on my own design portfolio.

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