An end and a new begining

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Yesterday marked the final of the Advanced Design J-term course (minus all the papers that I am currently crunching through). Despite the very short amount of time that we had, It has been an worthwhile adventure while I look back of all the thing I have learned and accomplished these past 12 days. I got to meet such an inspiring person as the patient for my project. The greatest lesson that I learned through talking and observing my patient is being optimistic and making the most of every situation.  I finally got to work on a project related to swimming, which I dearly love. For such a short period of time, we not only identified the need and problem, built a function prototype for our idea, and actually tested the idea as well as tried to swim blinded. We actually are currently thinking to continue working on the project next semester. Even though I have had previous experience with designing project before, this course really reinforce and improve my understanding with the design process. One of the tool that I found every helpful for both of my project is the use of journey map.  Last but not least, my sleepless condition does not really improve and actually got worse the pass few days. However, my exercise new year resolution has been really good thanks to the personal health project. May be this will be the year that I actually keep up with it. Four more days till the Spring semester starts and I can’t wait to apply what I learn to my next adventure.


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