The php in review

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Ultimately, my php showed that my partner’s caffeine intake was destabilizing her energy levels, decreasing her quality of sleep and wreaking havoc on her appetite. Ultimately, I think the php provided the both of us with initiative to contemplate our daily health habits and lifestyle choices and the impacts they have on our life in general. High stress circumstances have thrown our data askew these past few days, and we have both exhausted, sleep deprived and invaded by a “brain fog”.  These findings make me wonder about the long term feasibility of maintaining these health goals and realistically, I do not believe that our newly established habits will last until the end of the next semester. The findings will still give us concrete evidence of the impact of our seemingly harmless habits which incentivizes us to lead healthier, more balanced lifestyles. Moreover, this entire project has been an amazing opportunity to gain empathy for a patient while maintaining a healthy relationship with them by helping them remain mindful and remember their responsibility for their own health

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