End of Week Reflection

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Wow! This class has been a whirlwind! As we were creating our final project, I was able to actually take a second and think about our design process. I think creating our presentation forced us to convey the steps we took to reach our “final” prototype to our audience which in turn helped us solidify and recognize the process even though it flew by so quickly. It has been so rewarding to be able to work with an actual patient and hear about their everyday struggles and then try to create a device to help them. I think it was so useful to have the opportunity to then show the patient the product we created, get their feedback and then make alterations that they suggested that we hadn’t even thought about to begin with. It shows how valuable an outside opinion really is, and the fact that the opinion is that of an actual patient  is the icing on the cake.

As far as the personal health project goes, I hope that my partner is able to recognize the times that he is most likely to go to the gym and then use some of the motivation strategies we tried out to actually then get to the gym! In a perfect world, I would have loved to try different motivation strategies and also conduct many more trials of each strategy to really solidify what works best for him. Thanks for an awesome class, everyone!

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