Advanced Design Day 9

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With the presentation tomorrow, there was a huge rush to get a lot of work done today. In meeting with the patient we were able to find the best design. Even though we were at fault for focusing on the idea of an app earlier on in the design process, the patient clearly wants it. We tried not the push them into the idea by asking them very basic questions on what platforms and user interfaces they would prefer. However their natural tendencies made it so that a computer app, linked with a website or desktop app, would be the best platform. Beyond that we were able to discern specific design characteristics that the patient naturally preferred, which was a balance between a clean, simple, efficient UI, and something that was fun, and excited the patient to use. This meant choosing simple, cool colors, clean cut borders, and not populating the interface with too many parts. However, to make it more engaging we included an avatar that would advise the patient in certain matters. This would also provide the patient with a certain level of entertainment, as by maintaining good habits or any positive tasks the avatar can offer rewards, such as unlocking new skins. This is a very simple way to make the app more engaging, while keeping it relevant. The day was spent creating designs for the app, and putting together our presentation.

-Ahnaf H.

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