Middle of Week 2 Update

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We are continuing to make good progress on our patient health project! The iterative design process has really been coming to life the past few days. It is interesting to see how many small alterations to a prototype can result in a very different second version. A key component to our design is scaling it down which has been tricky but we are doing our best. The most exciting part for me so far was actually the first prototype where we saw the device actually work for the first time! It was crazy to see the idea that we developed conceptually was able to come to life physically.

The personal health project is also coming along well, although with the J-term class getting busier it has been harder to implement changes into my partner’s pre-existing habits. I personally have tried his suggestions to alter my workout routine and the first time around it didn’t work very well but the second time around I found my workout was much more intense and efficient. Hopefully, I can continue his suggestions even after J-term ends.

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