Mid-class check in 1/12

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PHP:  I am glad that I suggested low effort changes for my partner to implement, because it has been hard to get them to adhere to my changes.  They have made strides towards the goal, but they haven’t quite reached it in each category.  Hopefully when I evaluate his physical and mental performance at the end of the week, the changes in his habits will show.

CAD project:  This is simultaneously one of the most frustrating and the most rewarding projects that I have done.  On the one hand the software has a learning curve and can be really angering when you can’t get one of the features to work, but on the other hand it is really satisfying to see your pieces get assembled together after they have all been drawn out.  I don’t think it helped my patience, though, that I had to design one piece three times because it was deleted twice.

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