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Personal health project:  The project has gone along fairly swimmingly, mostly because both my partner and I had already had the desire to work on the personal health goal that we picked for each other.  I did run in to a problem, though.  One of my metrics on my partner was a test of physical ability, namely the number of pushups and squats done in 30 seconds.  I had to toss that data because we have been going to the gym together this week and the residual soreness from lifting weights affected his performance in pushups and squats.

Client project:  This project is also going well.  Our group has split in to two smaller projects.  In the subgroup that I am in, we are trying to measure the stress levels of the patient through heart rate, heart rate variation, blood oxygen levels, and breathing rate.  Hopefully we will be able to find correlation between this data and spikes in the patient’s blood glucose levels.  Even if we don’t find that, our patient could still benefit from a stress detector due to the stress that type 1 diabetes already adds to their life.

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