Have you ever swim blinded?

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One and a half week ago, if someone asks me, “Have you ever swim blinded?”  I would have the same reaction and answer like most people, “No and why would I?” Back to the present, I can proudly say, Yes I did. For a physically healthy person, it is very hard to drag the concept that it is actually possible for visually impaired patients to swim. I realized very quickly the moment I put on the black-painted goggle and get down to the lane, this task is going be a challenge.

I actually did pretty decent for the first time period between when I started to when I took my first breath and the rest of the way is an adventure. “ I think I am hitting the wall, what if I had a head-on collision to the person on the next lane, oh no I can’t breathe, where am I now, is it half way to the pool yet, I am feeling so claustrophobic, no I am drowning or am I?” This monologue was going through my head the entire longest 20 seconds I have ever felt swimming. As a designer, sometimes it takes us to be in the customer’s shoes to fully understand the problem. From my traumatic swimming experiment, it is definitely a need for an assisting device to help guiding visually impaired patient to swim straight and within their own designated lane.


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