Blog Cuatro

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I’m very interested in the subject of entrepreneurship, so the lectures from these last couple of days make me wish I could take the longer version of this class, which covers topics topics we won’t get to talk about in these two weeks (IP, venture funding, etc.) and features several experienced guest lecturers.  I also appreciate the encouraging attitude of the two professors, especially considering the arduous process of building your own product/company.

…Rats. David just walked into the room to tell us the today’s guest speaker had to cancel.

On other fronts, the projects are progressing steadily.  There are three projects, each of which require a lot of work, so we have to make sure we’re chipping away at them throughout the week.  I’m essentially done with my reverse-engineering drawing, and I’m done collecting data for my personal health project.  In terms of how I will present my partner’s progress, I have a number of ideas down.  The patient project is also going exceptionally well.  We built a prototype and tested it out with our patient, and she found it to be exactly what she needed.  We also gathered some perspectives from patients with similar problems by contacting certain organizations (more on that during the presentation tomorrow).  We present first in the morning, so I’ll update with my last blog post after seeing how that goes!


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