Advanced Design Day 8

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Some data has come in from the patient today who has been using the prototype. However, it is not enough, and we are doubtful we will be able to connect enough before the presentation date. Therefore we are shifting our focus to creating a great user interface. We started out by brainstorming and trying to understand what we’re trying to accomplish by it’s very core. Questions like “What are modes of recording?” were the first we asked, in order to make sure we weren’t assuming too much without thinking about all our options. After this we split amongst ourselves to create some prototypes of designs, trying to follow Fitt’s law as best we could, as well as other design tips. We met back up together at night and shared ideas, fleshing them out a bit more, and then went on creating as many designs as possible. We plan to show them to the patient and try to get an understand of what the patient likes best. Before that point, however, we don’t want to stifle our creativity, and are coming up with as many ideas as possible.

-Ahnaf H.

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