Start of Week 2 Progress

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I am currently live blogging from our patient health project meeting! We are making quite a bit of progress and have been conducting tests for data collection. Our first task was to see if insulin is conductive. We were able to successfully determine that insulin IS conductive and is quite a bit more conductive than the skin. This will help us detect a gradient of conductivity when insulin begins pooling on the skin when tunneling occurs. We made sure to test the insulin on parts of the body/skin that are commonly used as insertion sites. We even began trying to create simulations of the tunneling phenomenon by injecting the cannula of the insertion site into silicone and hot glue (ethylene-vinyl acetate). The silicone worked fairly well, but the hot glue was simply too hard when it dried to accept the cannula. This is just the beginning for us!

Additionally , I’m glad to report that my first motivation method for my partner for the Personal Health Project was successful. We agreed to go to the gym after class together and we both followed through on our commitment and went! We went at the time that I deemed most appropriate according to the preliminary motivation data (afternoon). Tomorrow I will try a different motivation method and see how he responds to that.


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