Day 6

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Mom and Dad: “So what did you do today in class, son?”

Kyle: “We played with Play-Doh!”

Mom and Dad: “…..”


Today in class, we did actually play with Play-Doh. We used the Play-Doh and note cards to help us model a hypothetical chair that we were supposed to design for an Alzheimer patient. This helped us learn more about design considerations and criteria as many people created different designs depending on how they interpreted the prompt.

Later in the day, I decided to enter my data from the personal health project and modeled the data on graphs. I created three graphs that included the daily amount of sleep and work outside of class, the amount of time dinner consumed, and the self-perceived tiredness of my partner in the morning. After observing the graphs, I came to the conclusion that my partner is getting approximately 2 more hours of sleep than before he made the suggested changes on January 6/7th. He has also shortened his dinner time by approximately 30 minutes by reading a book instead of watching TV during his dinner. Lastly, he also reported feeling less tired in the morning and attributed this to the sleep app that I pointed him to. Of course, a lot of this data was collected over the weekend, so we will have to wait and see if these trends hold during the second week of J Term.


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