Chair Design Exercise

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I really enjoyed the design case we did in class today. It was kind of relaxing to sit and prototype with both paper and clay and I liked the opportunity to compare the two mediums as I went through the design process. It was interesting to hear other people’s thought processes and to see what values and needs they prioritized in their designs. It was beneficial to hear from others who have first hand experience in caring for people with dementia and decreased mobility as they had insights beyond those details written in the case. I noticed that as soon as I came up with one idea, I had trouble looking past it to consider other options. A lot of the designs other people made had aspects that I had not even considered. This shows the value in working in a team to solve problems because it can lead to greater consideration and thought. The individual brainstorming followed by prototype and presentation seems like an effective way to approach brainstorming within a team because it allows everyone to get their ideas out without the opinions of others hindering their thought process. The physical prototype made me more comfortable with sharing my design with the class because it allowed me to have an actual physical object to reference as I explained my idea.

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