Advanced Design Day 6

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After talking with our patient yesterday we had some clarity on the situation regarding their experience with their pharmacy. Specifically that the patient never received calls from the pharmacy, and that there were other problems that were not shortage related. The example given was of a time were the patient could not receive what was prescribed to them, because it had run out before the prescription allowed for renewal. Because of our previous enlightenment on the pharmaceutical side of the problem, we decided to try solution that was more focused on the patient. This also encompassed a greater problem that the patient has, which is a lack of a clear record on the food they eat, insulin they take, glucose levels they measure, and the prescriptions they are given. The patient desired a greater understanding about all these portions of her life, and wanted to be able to see the data over time. Therefore we decided that we would attempt to make them a device that would be able to do that. For now our prototype is simply an app on their phone, just to test the basic algorithms and programming within the week.

-Ahnaf H.

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