Sunday Funday

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Couple updates from class.  On Friday we presented our personal health and client projects.  My personal health presentation seemed to be well received and I got some good feedback (particularly about why blue light before bed is bad for sleep and recommendations as to how I could adjust my partner’s sleep schedule at night.)  A lot of students were attempting to better their partner’s sleep habits, so it was interesting to see such a variety of approaches to the same problem.  Our client project also went well.  It was a great warm up.  While the presentations went longer than originally planned, we definitely used our time to gain some valuable feedback.  For example, while the panel mentioned that they enjoyed our demo, Professor Chen pointed out some holes it illustrated in our design thinking; he mentioned that we may have jumped to simply implementing the concept of the Tile into a dog toy, without taking a step back and considering how the overall idea could be improved (e.g. what if the dog toy got louder as the patient got closer?)

Today was a different experience, as most of it was devoted to the reverse engineering project aka the roller coaster of emotions.  The most frustrating part was that it took me 5 hours to accomplish what could be done in an 11-minute YouTube video.  And I’m not even close to done! Tomorrow we’re spending some time visiting our client patient and then I’ll be back on SolidWorks grinding it out. It’ll feel good when I finally see that finished product.


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