Personal Health Project

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Through the personal health project I have noticed more and more the importance of journey mapping and taking a step back to look at the entire interaction involved, not just at the specific problem. Through interviewing, my partner expressed that his main health goal was to eat less junk food. We did readings and had class discussions about need statements so I wanted to be sure that this was the best focus for his overall needs. As I talked more with my partner, it did appear that this was a common problem for my partner. I was originally only focusing closely on what I assumed to be the problem so I was solely collecting data about what and when my partner eats. After listening to other projects and getting feedback from the reviewers, I took a step back and realized that sleep, diet, exercise, and work are all related and cannot simply be considered independently. I have now increased the amount of data that I am collecting from my partner to include workout time and duration to potentially redirect my methods of intervention. This same process can definitely be applied to other design projects in the future because it decreases the likeliness of completely missing an integral factor that contributes to the problem at hand.



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