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Today, we presented both our patient and personal projects to three observers from different department at UVa. These observers offered astute observations regarding both projects especially regarding the technology of our patient project. We anticipated a few of these questions, but we did not have enough time to work out certain problems with our dog toy yet, including durability, battery concerns, materials used, and the distance that the locator works at. The most useful suggestion that I received for both projects was to create a map to model the data flow. I had not really thought of doing anything like this before, but after doing this for my personal project, I realize that the data flow map is instrumental for your ability to make observations from the data and make potential iterations in the future. My partner’s need was to get better sleep, so I now have him using a sleep quality app and planning his day out in a log so that I can compare his plans to his actual schedule. I broke out the potential results from these data collection methods and planned out potential future responses to the results. I plan on doing something similar with the patient project so that we can anticipate problems that will occur in prototyping and potential solutions.


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